Inclusive Communication: Diversity as a Lever of Performance

Este projeto trabalhará na identificação, transferência/partilha e exploração de boas práticas no âmbito da Comunicação e Linguagem Inclusiva, com o OBJETIVO PRINCIPAL de promover a inclusão social de jovens vulneráveis (destaque para mulheres, minorias étnicas, migrantes e jovens com deficiência)


Guimarães, Portugal
01 de Abr, 2022 a
31 de Mai,

Youth Exchange "Inclusive Communication" - Day 1


O primeiro dia da mobilidade foi preenchido por diversas atividades com o objetivo de dar a conhecer os participantes, bem como as regras do projeto.

Durante a manhã, tivemos sessões que incluíram vários jogos para começarmos a memorizar melhor os nomes de todos os participantes.

Depois de almoço, aproveitámos que era dia do jogo de portugal contra marrocos e vimos o jogo em conjunto no nosso hostel. Aqueles que não ligam tanto a futebol, ficaram a jogar outros jogos de cartas e tabuleiro noutra divisão.

Durante as sessões da tarde, jogámos mímica estragada com o grupo, descobrimos qual a viagem de sonho de todos, fizemos a troca das canecas que trouxemos de casa, partilhámos com o grupo as nossas expectativas, medos e contribuições para este projeto, estabelecemos em conjunto o nosso Código de Conduta para que a nossa semana fosse harmoniosa, já que estaremos a viver em conjunto com muitas pessoas com rotinas e culturas diferentes.

Mais para o final do dia, fizemos o sorteio dos nossos nomes para descobrirmos quem seria o/a nosso/a Amigo/a Secreto/a durante esta semana. No fundo, seremos um anjinho da guarda dessa pessoa durante estes dias. Esta é uma forma prática do grupo conseguir cuidar de si de forma mais autónoma.

Para acabar o dia, criámos os comités com os quais iríamos trabalhar em conjunto para colaborarmos ainda mais com a disseminação (nas redes sociais) e a dinamização deste projeto.



The first day of mobility was filled with various activities with the aim of making the participants aware of the rules of the project. During the morning, we had sessions that included several games to help us better remember the names of all the participants.

After lunch, we took advantage of the fact that it was Portugal's match against Morocco and we watched the game together at our hostel. Those who don't care so much about football, were playing other card and board games in another division.

During the afternoon sessions, we played spoiled mime with the group, we found out what everyone's dream trip was, we exchanged the mugs we brought from home, we shared with the group our expectations, fears and contributions to this project, we established together our Code of Conduct so that our week was harmonious, as we will be living together with many people with different routines and cultures.

Toward the end of the day, we drew our names to find out who our Secret Friend would be during this week. Deep down, we will be a guardian angel for that person during these days. This is a practical way for the group to be able to take care of themselves in a more autonomous way.

To end the day, we created committees with which we would work together to collaborate even more with the dissemination (on social networks) and the dynamism of this project.


English article by Andrei Ciocoiu and Daria Ioana Georgescu

Artigo português pela Maria Inês Farias

Youth Exchange "Inclusive Communication" - Day 2


A primeira atividade do dia foi um exercício em que nos dividimos em pares, sendo que um dos elementos desempenhava o papel de condutor e o outro, o papel de carro. O elemento que desempenhava o papel do carro estava com os olhos fechados e o condutor, sem falar, devia dar-lhe instruções, promovendo, assim, a confiança entre os membros do grupo.

A atividade seguinte foi já dedicada a um dos temas a respeito dos quais este projeto  propõe abordar, a educação inclusiva. Depois de uma breve explicação sobre o tema, os participantes foram desafiados a tentar, em grupo, escrever a frase ‘A comunicação é para todos’ de maneira inclusiva, ou seja, em Braille, língua gestual portuguesa e pictogramas.

Na atividade seguinte, cada participante associou a primeira letra do seu nome a uma característica que considera possuir ou a uma palavra que acredita combinar consigo e partilhou com o grupo, para que todos os participantes repetissem, facilitando, assim, que todos saibam o nome uns dos outros.

Depois de uma pausa para o almoço, a atividade seguinte ficou a cargo da equipa italiana, que propôs que o grupo se dividisse em equipas e desenhasse a própria versão do que seria uma cidade inclusiva.

A seguir, a equipa espanhola sugeriu que se fizesse uma reflexão sobre os privilégios, ou a falta deles, na sociedade dos dias atuais. Assim, a cada pessoa foi dado um pedaço de papel onde constava o personagem que devia desempenhar durante o jogo, por exemplo, uma prostituta com HIV ou uma mulher de negócios e, à medida em que  a líder do grupo espanhol ia dizendo algumas frases, cada pessoa ia dando passos em frente, sendo um passo equivalente a um privilégio que os participantes consideravam que a personagem que desempenhavam tinha.

A atividade final convidou os participantes a fazer uma colagem, com ilustrações presentes em jornais e revistas, e que fossem, de alguma forma, significativas para os participantes.



The second day of INCLUSIVE COMMUNICATION began with an energizer in which participants from four different nations had to take turns acting as a car or a driver, and to foster trust, they had to provide instructions to the participant who had his or her eyes closed.

We then went on to learn about the core of this project: inclusive communication. An expert in the matter held a short lecture where we learned different techniques to hold quality conversations in which everyone is included.

To internalize this knowledge, we did an activity where we split into groups and we translated a phrase in different inclusive ways such as: sign language, braille, pictograms, and in different languages.

Then, we moved on to an activity that aimed to make people memorize each other’s names by associating the first letter of their name with an attribute they believe they have and having everyone repeat it.

After that, it was the perfect time for lunch and on the way to the restaurant, people had interesting observations about the day's discussed topic.

In the afternoon, Italy was in charge of the activity, so they came up with the idea of building our own plan of our ideal inclusive city. We split together in two groups and started sketching how a fully functional inclusive city would look and function.

The Spanish team then prepared an eye-opening event about how included people feel in society. Everyone was assigned the role of a certain individual ranging from an immigrant to a successful businessman and had to take steps forward based on which activities they felt their given persona would feel included in.

The final activity of the evening was a workshop where we each made an art collage that represents ourselves by ripping pages from magazines and stitching them together with post-it notes and duct tape.

Then, we went for dinner and back to the hotel for a surprise pajama party to end the night.


English article by Andrei Ciocoiu and Daria Ioana Georgescu

Artigo português pela Maria Inês Farias

Youth Exchange "Inclusive Communication" - Day 3


Depois do pequeno-almoço no hostel, o dia começou com uma atividade em que se refletiu sobre as competências que este projeto pode ajudar a desenvolver nos participantes.

Depois disso, a equipa romena dividiu os participantes em grupos e, a cada um deles, atribuiu uma problemática flagrante na nossa sociedade, por exemplo, o racismo nos desportos. Desta forma, os grupos ficaram responsáveis por arranjar uma solução para o problema, bem como projetar o que seria uma campanha de sensibilização para o problema em questão.

Depois do almoço, a equipa espanhola convidou os participantes a refletirem sobre o quão machistas podem ser algumas músicas e anúncios publicitários, através da análise de alguns anúncios e letras, cujo conteúdo muito nos surpreendeu. Tratavam-se de anúncios publicitários sexistas provenientes dos vários países envolvidos no projeto.

Para finalizar o dia, a equipa italiana conduziu uma atividade de visualização, na qual os participantes puderam aperceber-se e refletir sobre a maneira estereotipada como excluímos algumas minorias, como migrantes e pessoas com deficiência, ainda que de uma forma inconsciente.

O dia terminou com uma noite intercultural, na qual os participantes puderam dar a conhecer algumas músicas, curiosidades e comidas típicas de cada um dos seus países.



We began the third day of INCLUSIVE COMMUNICATION after eating a consistent breakfast. The day started with the organisers explaining the Erasmus Youth Pass and its applications while asking us to fill up a spreadsheet listing the skills we have acquired via this initiative.

The Romanian team divided us into four groups and instructed us to create our own frictional campaign with a motto and video to address an issue in the world regarding inclusion. This activity helped us better understand inclusion while also enhancing our entrepreneurship and digital skills. We then got energised for the day by playing Simon Says.

The Spanish team then went on to plan two fantastic events for us about inclusion in the digital realm. One examined sexism in music, the other sexism in marketing, and each nation was required to identify instances of these issues in its digital life.

Finally, Italy concluded the day's events by doing a visualisation exercise in which we had to see ourselves strolling through a park to demonstrate how we often exclude certain people from our life without even realising it.

However, the day was not yet over as we had a long and exciting intercultural night full of fun and awesome memories where each country presented their unique national dishes and music alongside information and videos about their natal city. We then went on to dance for a few good hours before finally being overcome by sleep.


English article by Andrei Ciocoiu and Daria Ioana Georgescu

Artigo português pela Maria Inês Farias

Youth Exchange "Inclusive Communication" - Day 4


De manhã, a equipa portuguesa propôs uma caça ao tesouro, a oportunidade perfeita para percorrer a cidade de Guimarães e ficar a conhecer um pouco da sua história.

Depois de uma longa pausa para o almoço, o grupo participou num workshop onde aprendeu a fazer sabonetes de forma artesanal.



The fourth day started later than we got used to because after such a fun intercultural night we needed a little more extra time for sleeping. So after breakfast, we met up at the office and had an Energizer that helped us learn greetings in different languages.

Then we went to the Alberto Sampaio Museum, the starting point of our treasure hunt. We made the teams and began. This way we managed to explore the whole historical centre of Guimarães and learn more about this wonderful city. It was an amazing experience which gave us the opportunity to develop our ability of working in teams and also how to solve mysteries and how to get around foreign cities.

Moreover, it was nice to see how helpful people are in this mediaeval city and it was a great interaction with all of them.

After that, we had lunch and in the afternoon, we had the last Energizer of the day which was very special, because we transferred some of our energy, in other words we held hands and we shook when we felt it from the other side.

After that, we had a very special workshop- we did soap and we wrapped them up with Christmas paper and many many decorations. After cleaning up, we went to dinner and back to the hotel where we enjoyed a karaoke night.


English article by Andrei Ciocoiu and Daria Ioana Georgescu

Artigo português pela Maria Inês Farias

Youth Exchange "Inclusive Communication" - Day 5


A primeira atividade da manhã foi uma sessão onde a equipa portuguesa propôs uma reflexão sobre descrição de fotografias e acessibilidade digital. Desta forma e depois de uma breve explicação, os participantes foram convidados a tentar descrever algumas fotografias, comparando, depois, com descrições feitas por profissionais.

Depois de uma pausa para o almoço, o grupo tentou definir alguns termos ligados ao universo LGBTQIAP+, utilizando o método do biscoito de gengibre.

Depois, a equipa italiana realizou mais uma atividade com o objetivo de nos fazer refletir sobre privilégios. Os participantes foram divididos em grupos, a cada grupo foi atribuído um personagem e entregue um pedaço de fio. À medida que a líder da equipa italiana ia falando algumas frases, cada grupo ia cortando o fio, para assinalar os privilégios que o personagem que desempenhavam tinha.

O dia acabou com uma atividade bastante tocante, em que cada participante tinha de pensar numa coisa muito má que lhe tinham dito, bem como em uma coisa que ouviu e que o tivesse feito sentir muito feliz. As palavras/frases más foram coladas na parede e os participantes tentaram cobrir uma delas, quer tivesse sido escrita por si ou por outro participante, com uma expressão positiva.



The fifth day of inclusive communication had a slower start , so we all went to the city centre and tried to give back something to the universe. That's why we sang " Don't worry" and after that we took some group pictures.

We went back to the office and learned how to do the alternative description for a blind person. Firstly, we described ourselves, then we were given some professional pictures and made their descriptions then read them to Maria who was really happy to understand them.

After lunch we had a community talk about LGBTQIA+, we discussed many topics and realized that we are all different and that's ok, and that's never too late to understand that you might not be part of the generally accepted group.

The next activity was hosted by the Italian team which explained to us how Rome is functioning in terms of public transport, schools, and the categories of neighborhoods. They selected some people's stories and we had a play role activity. So we understood how other people feel.

The last activity of the day was also made by the Italian team, it was actually one of my favorite activities of the week. They asked us to write down something that made us feel sad or hurt and something that made us smile or feel good about ourselves. Afterward, we took the good things and covered up the bad ones. It was nice to see that at some point other people felt as we did and it was also fascinating to remember moments that made you happy.

We ended the evening with the reflection of the day then the night was all about the Mafia game hosted by the Romanian team.


English article by Andrei Ciocoiu and Daria Ioana Georgescu

Artigo português pela Maria Inês Farias

Youth Exchange "Inclusive Communication" - Day 6


Os participantes passaram a manhã a projetar as sessões locais que vão dinamizar nos seus países de origem: estrutura, tempo de que vão precisar, atividade que vão realizar, etc.

A primeira sessão da tarde foi dedicada ao preenchimento do Youth Pass com todos os exemplos de competências que este projeto nos permitiu desenvolver.

De seguida, a equipa portuguesa dinamizou uma das últimas atividades que incluía conectar vários fios de lã nos nossos pulsos e depois, à medida que nos era feita uma pergunta em relação a este projeto, íamos conectando os nossos fios com os das outras pessoas com quem queríamos falar.

Por último, a equipa romena dinamizou uma atividade em que os participantes foram convidados a escrever mensagens bonitas em folhas coladas nas costas uns dos outros.



The participants spent the morning designing the local sessions that they would run in their home countries: structure, the time they would need, activities they would carry out, etc.

The first session in the afternoon was dedicated to filling in the Youth Pass with all the examples of the 8 Key Competences that this project allowed us to develop.

Then, the Portuguese team carried out one of the last activities that included connecting various wool threads to our wrists, and then, as we were asked a question in relation to this project, we connected our threads with those of the other people we wanted to talk to.

Finally, the Romanian team promoted an activity in which participants were invited to write beautiful messages on sheets of paper pasted on each other's backs.

Dissemination - "Emotions & Experiences"

Emotions & Experiences with the Guimarães Erasmus YE

Getting to know different people from around Europe and sharing your bedroom and bath with them involves, even if you desire it or not, feeling different emotions, sometimes good, sometimes bad. Hello everyone, I am Stefan, your romanian 16-year old writer, and today I am going to share with you how this Erasmus project made me feel happy or sad, included or alone and intrigued or bored.

Firstly, we got to live just us, our group, in a youth hostel in the city centre. This meant that we could have fun together. For instance, every night, the free time committee thought about activities that made us connect and discover things. I remember one night we played mafia or one time, it was after midnight and I decided to go to the kitchen to throw something in the trash. To my surprise, on my way, to the social room, Khaled and Margarida were starting to watch a film. I joined them and the experience was amazing.

Also, in the mornings, the Italians sing in the shower, as if we are in a movie. When we have breaks, the Romanians break the doors and visit the cities. We are all so different, but this diversity only develops a feeling of European inclusion in us.

But guys, life is not always pink. Some days, the rain was so devastating, that all of our clothes and things got wet. My Ipad broke and my backpack was dripping water. At certain points, we disagreed with each other about when we should sleep, and sometimes the baths were full.

In the end, I believe this project got us to understand how to look on the bright side. There are so many beautiful experiences that outnumber the bad ones. This is why I enjoyed so much this week and I encourage you all to apply for Erasmus YE!


Article by Stefan Chiriacopol (GEYC)

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